9 pm - The Grand Finale! Fireworks will be set off from the Kennebec River right in front of Hallowell. The fireworks will be presented by Central Maine Pyrotechnics. Bring the whole family…it’s a delightful way to cap off Old Hallowell Day.
2025 Fireworks dedications coming soon! Check back often!
2024 Fireworks Dedications
Colossal Colossus ($100)
- Thank you for your many years of leadership, Jane!–Erin
- Keepers of the Flame –The Frost Factory
- Greetings on Old Hallowell Day! Wishing you all happiness and wellbeing, from your local osteopath at Osteopathic Healthcare of Hallowell. –Dr Rachel Burke
- Local Agent with multiple options for personal and commercial insurance
–Lallis and Higgins Insurance - Happy Old Hallowell Day! –Jane and Jim
- Happy Old Hallowell Day! –Leanne Timberlake
- Thanks to all who worked so hard to make OHD Fabulous! –Deb Blood
- Ish - Happy 70th Year! Love Lulu & Rosemary –Rosemary
- City Drawers is so happy to be part of the Hallowell downtown. We are your 1st Resort in Fitting IN. Visit us to see how.
–City Drawers, Hallowell - Thank you to our loyal customers for your patronage! –Quality Copy
- Barbara A. Rohrbaugh
- Miss you very much Barry - been a long time since you left everyone! –From your sister Margot
- Get ready for the BIG BOOM! –Owen & Delilah Howard
- Your light shines forever bright –Family & Friends of Caelan Lapointe
- Dedicated to Rebecca, Hannah & Matthew Race Perry; Sydney, Cole, Abby & Emma Perry; Grace, Marinn & Sawyer Perry and Jacob Young –Eric & Pam Perry
Monster Star ($75)
- Thank you for welcoming me to Hallowell! Fine Art Portrait Photography& Art! –Natalie B. Imagery
- In honor of Buddy Iaciofano. I miss you like crazy, I love you more than words could possibly express. You will live forever in my heart and in my mind. Heavenly Hugs and Kisses to you, my beautiful boy. Love Mom –Lisa Shea
- In loving memory of our one and only dear brother, Joe! Who absolutely loved the Fourth of July celebration! –Patti Claska
- Cheers to EcoMaine! North Bay’s connection to Recycling –Hallowell’s Waste Reduction Committee
Big Blow Up ($55)
- Come check out our affordable prices, great customer service and wonderful products! See ya soon. –Positive High Home of the $100 Ounce
- Congratulations Madame President! Very proud of you, always knew you would do great things! –Mum
- In memory of Bob and Kaye great hosts of Fourth of July celebrations. –Bob and Kaye Stephenson
- Happy name change Susan O’Keefe –Mark & Laura Whited
- In remembrance of Grace Marie Claska. She loved fireworks. –Mary Claska
- Happy Hallowell day! Our wonderful community!! –Rich & Tim
- To the Coffee Girls –Susan O’Keefe
- To Grace and Chris, 9/02/23 –Love, Mum
- To Ned and Sualyneth, 12/9/23 –Love, Mum
- To our Hallowell Police Force we appreciate all that you do and thank you for keeping us safe. –Don & Monique Caron
- Dedicated to my lovely wife, Donna Davis –Larry Davis
Big Boy/Big Bang ($40)
- All are Welcome! Join us for worship Sundays @ 11 am –Cox Memorial UMC
- For my friends and family –Michael Gilbert
Tiger Tail ($30)
- In loving memory of our one and only dear brother, Joe! Who absolutely loved the Fourth of July celebration! –Patti Claska
- To Jarod and Zoe –The Coffee Girls
- To Frank Wingate –Alyssa Wingate
- For my former students –Michael Gilbert
- Hallowell Scooter Trash – Ride On! –Larry Davis
Red Heart ($20)
- Come check out our affordable prices, great customer service and wonderful products! See ya soon. –Positive High Home of the $100 Ounce
- In honor of Buddy Iaciofano. I miss you like crazy, I love you more than words could possibly express. You will live forever in my heart and in my mind. Heavenly Hugs and Kisses to you, my beautiful boy. Love Mom –Lisa Shea
- We love and miss you Oliver. One year gone, forever the best little shop dog. –The Rusticators Emporium
- congratulations to Mo on a well deserved citizen of the year award! –secret admirer
- In loving memory of our one and only dear brother, Joe! Who absolutely loved the Fourth of July celebration! –Patti Claska
- Love U Hallowell –Louis & Cathy Brouwer
- We love you Mom & Dad –Steve Woodside
- Betty Berdan
- Martha Bourdan
- For my Honey –Michael Gilbert
- To all the great and wonderful characters who made Hallowell special: Allen, Wes, Dot, George, Barry, Timmy, Olga, Jim, Fred, Jean, Kathy, Karen, Shirley, Dotti, Liz, Mr. Rick –Larry & Donna Davis
- Happy Anniversary, Handsome! –Your Pretty Little Lady
Mickey Mouse ($10)
- Mary Hiers
- Love U Hallowell –Louis & Cathy Brouwer
- Mark Holt
- Fred Mitton
- David Anderson
- Ernie McPherson
- Dan Crocker
- Dick Davies
- Tony Masciadri - Congratulations on retirement
- Bill Lajousky
- For Shanay –Michael Gilbert
- Sam Flynn - Best Island Girl! –Larry & Donna Davis
- Remy McKeown “The Boy King” –Larry & Donna Davis
- Charlie the wild MAN –Larry & Donna Davis