What is Old Hallowell Day? Old Hallowell Day is:
- A community celebration, the 3rd Saturday of July each year,
- Put on by volunteers for a nonprofit committee, separate from the City of Hallowell.
- Saturday, July, 19 in 2025.
How can I find out more?
Go to www.oldhallowellday.org or visit the Old Hallowell Day Facebook page.
What about bad weather?
- We cancel only for dangerous weather.
- If cancellation is necessary, we post on the Old Hallowell Day Facebook page.
- A little rain won’t stop us!
When is the parade?
10 am
When are the fireworks?
9 pm
How can I participate – in the parade, sell food or sell arts and crafts?
- To participate in the parade, go to www.oldhallowellday.org and click on Parade.
- For food or arts and crafts inquiries, email us at oldhallowellday@gmail.com
Where do we park for the parade or the fireworks?
- Parking is always a challenge so come early! The city’s parking lot will be open.
- There are many side streets for parking – avoid “No Parking” areas.
My organization would like to set up a booth or table, or have an activity.
- We provide display space for participants in Old Hallowell Day and for sponsors and nonprofits but space is very limited.
- For other inquiries on space we encourage you to speak with Hallowell businesses and property owners about possible use of their property.